Project Description
Children: The Process
A Child Arrangements Order is where the child either lives with, or spends time with, the parties in the order. A child should be able to have a relationship with both of their parents. Increasingly the role of the father is recognised, as is the concept of parental alienation – where one parent tries to remove the other from the life of the child.
The process usually tries to achieve agreement by encouraging mediation first, before making an application to the court process.
You need to consider the Welfare Checklist when looking at the possible arrangements and proposed changes:
the wishes and feelings of your child
your child’s physical, emotional and educational needs
the likely effect on your child if circumstances change as a result of the court’s decision
your child’s age, sex, background and any other characteristics that will be relevant to the court’s decision
any harm your child has suffered or may be at risk of suffering
the capability of you and your ex-partner (or other relevant people) in meeting your child’s needs, and
the powers available to the court.
Children: A Case Study