Tori Bulgin, Chartered Financial Planner, Brighton Capital Management
Tori has worked in financial services for over 15 years and specialises in lifestyle financial planning. Tori’s areas of expertise include pensions, investments, tax planning and cashflow planning. By listening carefully to her clients’ experiences and understanding their goals, Tori helps them to achieve and maintain their lifestyles. Outside of work, Tori is a keen CrossFitter, Ironman triathlete and sea swimmer.
Email: victoria@brightoncapital.co.uk Phone: +44 (0)1273 761228
Website: www.brightoncapital.co.uk/

Penny Coombes, Parenting Practitioner & Family Consultant, IRIS Brighton
Penny is a parenting specialist, offering parent/child interaction therapy. She is a registered social worker and acts as an expert witness in both private and public law, offering independent social work services, including assessment and ‘contact’ related work. Penny has a particular interest in promoting resilience and looking at solution focused goals for the people she works with.
Email: penny@irisbrighton.co.uk Phone: +44 (0)1273 558204 or +44 (0)1273 315430
Website: www.irisbrighton.co.uk

Caroline Glass, Private Domestic Abuse Consultant, Caroline Glass Consultancy
Caroline is a private domestic abuse consultant with a master’s in Woman and Child Abuse and over 13 years’ experience supporting and safeguarding survivors of domestic abuse. Caroline guides survivors through a risk assessment which clarifies all controlling tactics that have been used and establishes a safety plan with a view to supporting physical and emotional safety.
Email: domesticabuseadviser@gmail.com Phone: +44 (0)7966 132028
Website: www.domesticabuseadviser.com

Ben Glassman, Chartered Financial Planner, Tilney Smith & Williamson
Ben is a Chartered Financial Planner and a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute. He has a wealth of experience advising clients and their legal representatives regarding separation and divorce. Ben adopts a holistic approach and helps clients to understand what a future settlement might look like. Ben provides expert witness to the courts in respect of matrimonial assets and is a member of Resolution.
Email: ben.glassman@tilney.co.uk Phone: +44 (0)20 79367165
Websites: www.tilney.co.uk/; resolution.org.uk/members/ben-glassman/

Leia Monsoon, Family Consultant and Psychotherapist, Family Transitions
An integrative psychotherapist and counsellor specialising in the counselling of couples and young people, Leia has spent the last ten years as a family consultant, supporting families through separation and divorce. Leia understands the psychological and emotional impact of separation on children and encourages parents to pursue a child-centred approach. A member of BACP and Resolution, Leia can work independently with parents, or alongside mediation or the collaborative law process.
Email: leiamonsoon@familytransitions.co.uk Phone: +44 (0)7867 528085
Website: www.familytransitions.co.uk

Dawn Kaffel, Couples Therapist, Couples Counselling Practice
A fully accredited couples counsellor with British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists, Dawn has 22 years’ experience as a therapist. Dawn provides a safe therapeutic space where couples can make sense of their issues and emotions, maintaining trust and respect for each other while making life-changing decisions. A regular commitment to CPD enables Dawn to offer her clients the high quality of support they deserve.
Email: Dawn.kaffel@couplescounselling.com Phone: +44 (0)7976 403741
Website: www.couplescounselling.com

Tom Nash, Divorce, Separation & Family Coach, Mr Divorce Coach
With 35+ years’ experience of divorce, separation, co-parenting and blended families, Tom understands the rollercoaster of emotions you are on; he also he knows what your children are going through and the questions they might have. Tom can help you to overcome negative emotions, build confidence and self-esteem, improve your communications, and create co-parenting plans, boundaries, and actions. Book your FREE 45-Minute Consultation.
Email: tom@mrdivorcecoach.co.uk Phone: +44 (0)1234 958558 or +44 (0)7725 034115
Website: mrdivorcecoach.co.uk

Dr Amita Sehgal, Relationship Therapist & Family Consultant, The Balint Consultancy
Amita Sehgal, PhD, is a consultant psychotherapist who works with couples, parents, and individuals at her Central London practice; she also offers online consultations via Zoom. Dr Sehgal’s ongoing commitment to good emotional health and wellbeing informs her client-centred approach, enabling her clients to enhance and strengthen their key relationships creatively and in a constructive manner.
Email: amita.sehgal@icloud.com Phone: +44 (0)7947 676266
Website: www.balintconsultancy.com

Marcie Shaoul, Co-Parenting Coach, The Co-Parent Way
Marcie is a certified coach and founder of The Co-Parent Way, the UK’s first co-parenting practice. This unique coaching methodology enables parents to get to a place where they can co-parent together after separation. Marcie has spent the last decade developing The Co-Parent Way and her methodology has been called ‘pioneering and necessary’ by family lawyers and judges.
Email: marcie@rollingstonecoaching.com Phone: +44 (0)7753 885529
Website: www.thecoparentway.com

Sally-Ann Soulsby, Psychotherapist
Sally-Ann has spent over 30 years in private practice as a full-time psychotherapist and trainer. She is senior accredited with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and is accredited with EMDR Europe. Sally-Ann’s practice includes couples therapy and working with children/adolescents. Her television and radio work has focused on families under stress. Sally-Ann believes in creating a safe space to allow people to heal, grow and fulfil their potential.
Email: info@innerwisdom.co.uk Phone: +44 (0)1323 412834
Website: www.innerwisdom.co.uk